About Us

Drumlane Community Partnership is a group of local people who wish to provide improved facilities and services for the local community. It represents all sections of the community.  The Community Partnership’s Mission statement is to:

“develop Drumlane  as a friendly, peaceful, rural area which encourages a strong sense of community respecting different cultures and ages, making it more attractive to both residents and visitors and to provide the necessary facilities required to do so”

  • The Community Partnership has set out many aims in order to achieve this mission statement.
  • To act as a co-ordinating/umbrella group and to provide leadership in the community.
  • To work with the community and to ensure all sections and groups are represented
  • To communicate the aims of DCP to everyone in the parish and keep the community informed regarding developments.
  • To ascertain the needs of  all the groups and communities in the parish and to provide facilities to cater for these needs in particular the elderly, children and young people.

As a means to achieving some of these aims we have developed this website to keep people  at home and abroad, up to date on what is happening in and around the community.

If you wish to receive our Newsletter, please see banner for Newsletter sign-up

To find us via Sat Nav, our GPS Co-ordinates are N 54 04.1054  W 07 28.6678

 See a map of the area here:   http://binged.it/1Mjidnq

Drumlane Community Website, Cavan, Ireland