Two Automated External Defibbrillators have been purchased and installed in Drumlane Community Resource Centre.and in the porch of the Parochial house at Staghall.
At the end of a fourth training session ( which was held on the 28th March 2009 )a total of 64 people have received training in the use of a defibrillator and how to carry out Cardio Pulmonary Resusciation (C.P.R.). These represent sports clubs, Active Age, National Schools, Sunday school and the local Civil Defence unit.
The Defibrillator in the Resource centre is situated in the meter room of the centre, the door of which faces the road and has an Emergency notice on it. Those who have received training have been issued with keys, a key is also on keyring with keys to centre and in Drumlane Bar.
We are grateful to those who received full training on 28th March and all who took the time to do a refresher course held the same day.